This looks like a hoax, but it's not. SCARY!

"IS THERE ANYTHING CUTER than two identical twin twelve-year-old girls who have a band together? How about if they dress in matching plaid skirts-that ups the cuteness quotient, right? And what if they perform folky versions of classic racist songs by bands like Skrewdriver and Rahowa? Whoa! Now we are heading into the cute danger zone."

Okay, it's obvious that the "interview" itself is fake - these are not the responses of twelve year old girls (see below), but it's still scary and disgusting:

"What do you think is the most important social issue facing the white race right now? Do you have any songs that address this issue?"

"Not having enough white babies born to replace ourselves and generally not having good-quality white people being born. It seems like smart white girls who have good eugenics are more interested in making money in a career or partying than getting married and having a family. And yes, we are working on some new songs about this issue. "


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