New Scientist - Book thrown at proponents of Intelligent Design

"'Devastating' early drafts of a controversial book recommended as reading at a US high school reveal how the word "creationism" had been later swapped for "intelligent design", a landmark US trial scrutinising the teaching of ID heard on Wednesday."

Via an email from Dad.


Gary said…
Intelligent Design is a well-funded, political more than religious, campaign to ease God back into the science classrooms.

Evolution is actually smarter than intelligent design for what it does, insure the survival of a species.
Anonymous said…
Wanting to teach "Intelligent Design" is just bull... it's just another front for teaching creationism, as demonstrated, or better yet, just a way to get religion back into schools. If you want to offer kids the opportunity to learn THEOLOGY, fine! Go ahead! but don't disguise it like this.
MexicanYenta said…
Legally, in the U.S. you're not allowed to teach theology in government-funded schools, so they try to hide it. I can't imagine who they think they're fooling.
MexicanYenta said…
Okay, this is why all the "intelligent design" and other god-theories are crap: because no one has ever adequately explained who designed the "designer". If you support the theory that life couldn't be accidental and had to be designed by a higher being, then who created the higher being? Did it just - gasp! - EVOLVE?

And doesn't it get lonely?

Religion is born out of fear. The whole concept is just a crutch for people who can't face reality, who need someone to tell them what to believe, and who can't accept their own mortality.

and p.s., the general populace could never even figure out how to program their VCR's. Intelligence is not a common feature of the general populace.
MexicanYenta said…
You still haven't explained how the designer came into being. Assuming, of course, that any of us, or the universe, actually exists at all.

But it all boils down to the fact that teaching ID in schools violates separation of church and state.

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