Bad Sex Award

"LONDON (Reuters) - Food-critic-turned-novelist Giles Coren won one of Britain's most dreaded literary accolades on Thursday -- the prize for bad sex in fiction.

The prize is awarded each year 'to draw attention to the crude, tasteless, often perfunctory use of redundant passages of sexual description in the modern novel.'
Coren won it for a raunchy passage from his debut novel 'Winkler' which included a description of the main character's penis 'leaping around like a shower dropped in an empty bath.' "


Gary said…
"Putting the Rot in Eroticism" - a longer LA Times story on the contest.,1,3871570.story

If you want hits on your blog linking and writing about sex will get them. Even more tied to this is directly linking to erotic photos. A year ago I accidentally discovered this when my readers seemed to expand 10X. I found the new readers were mostly going to archived pages with links to a picture of a foreign porn star in stockings and little else.

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