'No Iraqis Left Me on a Roof to Die'

"Americans turned out in poll-like numbers for the Saturday antiwar demonstration in Washington "

Signs seen at the demonstration:

"Yeeha is not a foreign policy"

"Ex-Republican. Ask me why"

"Make levees not war"

"Dude -- There's a War Criminal in My White House!!!"

"Pro Whose Life?"

"a headline that asks, "What did you do on your summer vacation?" Inside a bubble is the President's reply: "Well, I rode my bike, killed some troops, killed even more Iraqis, raised lots of money for my friends, ignored a grieving mom and, for extra credit, I destroyed an American city!"

an image of Bush over the question, "Intelligent design?"

"Republicans for impeachment"

Its front says: "What if they gave a war and nobody came?" The back reads: "What if they had a hurricane and nobody came because... They were all at War!!"

"Not with my sons."

"Sex is back in the White House. Bush is screwing us all!"


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